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Hoa Nghiem Primary School Logo

Principal Message

Namo Shakyamunaye Buddhaya.

At Hoa Nghiem Buddhist College (HNBC), in our approach to education, we are deeply committed to cultivating Reverence for Life and, to this end, to promoting an education to wisdom. The aim and priority of our educational environment is the development of students' wisdom through all aspects of their learning areas. HNBC’s learning approach fully aligns with what is called “engaged Buddhism” by Thich Nath Hanh: “Engaged Buddhism means that mindfulness is practised wherever we are, whatever we are doing, at any time.”

The Buddhist practice in our HNBC learning journey requires the same inquiring mind that students use to investigate any topic in any subject. It challenges them not to take any concept or truth for granted, but to question, observe, and experiment in their daily life experiences, just as they practise in the fields of science and philosophy. These introspective, open-minded, and open-hearted practices help students, first to see clearly in themselves, then in others. It provides the skill to let go the feeling of frustration and anger that usually biases understanding as it makes us blind to the common good as well as our common humanity.

Within our role of promoting the cultivation of wisdom in each student, teacher and leader, we have designed and introduced a very comprehensive Systemic Learning Approach to prepare students for the complexity and challenges of their time. While the Australian state of Victoria’s curriculum provides the framework, HNBC enacts it beyond the boundaries of the curriculum so that students become better connected to life, and confident to bring their learning, insights, talents, and humanity to the world.

Finally, we are aware that when, collectively, as a community, we cultivate our inner peace every day, we become living examples for our children. Only a peaceful heart can educate deeply and wisely our children as well as the generations to come.

Venerable Thich Phuoc Uyen
